Exercise Motivation
Do you get enough exercise for good health? As a Health & Wellness coach exercise is one of my key foundational pillars of being well and having a healthy lifestyle. Alongside sleep, hydration, nutrition and life purpose I hold exercise as essential.
When we think about heart health, strong bones, good mental health then we must consider exercise to be a main feature in our daily life.
As we age our body needs exercise to help with stability and strength to be able to live and enjoy everything life has to offer.
We also need to move our bodies regularly to improve circulation and blood flow around the body. This helps to reduce the risk of many illnesses including diabetes and cardiovascular disease.
The World Health Organisation suggests we should we be doing at least 150 to 300 minutes of moderate aerobic exercise per week.
For me, exercise helps alleviate my stress and I am happier in myself when I have spent some time moving my body. I love lots of different exercise including running, walking, HIIT workouts and dancing! Not every type of exercise will suit everyone though so it can a be a good idea to do some planning before starting a new regime. For example I am much happier working up a sweat but some people really benefit and find joy using a much gentler form of exercise like yoga or pilates. One of the best ways to find motivation and the push you might need to start moving more is to discover for yourself what works best for you and your lifestyle.
As a coach I would never suggest for example 5 k runs every day for any client unless this is a, what they want to do, b, what they love to do and c, what suits them and the way they like to live.
I look closely at my clients health goals and help them discover what works best for them and then work on getting moving.
If you feel you aren’t yet active enough there are so many ways to get off the starting blocks with exercise.
To get you started ask yourself these questions.
Why do I want to exercise?
This may seem easy but knowing your reasons will help you focus and will motivate you. Maybe its to live longer to see your family grow up. Or reduce your blood pressure perhaps?
How fit am I?
So depending on your age and fitness level you may want to check with your GP before starting a new fitness routine. Keep in mind your level of fitness when deciding what exercise to choose.
How will I get started?
Often people go all out like a lion only to finish like a lamb! If maybe your over 45 and you haven’t exercised in years you might not want to try a HIIT workout right off the bat! It’s also perhaps best to take the advise of a PT or Health Coach especially if you have health issues or concerns.
What activity really matches my temperament and lifestyle?
This is super important to consider. Maybe you’d love a group sport for the camaraderie or you’d prefer to workout alone? The exercise you chose should not be a chore but something that you love that makes you feel amazing! Exercise will boost your feel good endorphins and also your confidence. I’d love to hear how you get on!
You're welcome to book a free consultation with me to discover your ideal exercise.
Visit my website to book www.sarahstannard.com