Non-Scale Victories for 2023!

Your wellbeing and health in 2023 does not have to be based on what your scales say.

Only focusing on the scales can be damaging to our mental health and cause us to fall off our New Year healthy plan almost immediately.

The scales only show a number and this does not relay how well you’re sleeping for example or how confident you're feeling.

Non scale victories are far more important for health and work as great targets to strive for.

NSV’s can be a significant way to stay on track again and again by setting varying goals along your fitness journey.

You might consider a number of areas you’d like to improve on, for example physical strength. How many push ups can you do in one go? Or maybe you would like to be able to run for 5 minutes without stopping?

Perhaps you’d like to improve your mental health and feel happier. Here are some goals that my clients regularly advise that they would like to prioritise and that we work on. None of my clients diet at all. For me it doesn’t work and its demotivating.

  • To get stronger or be more fit

  • To get into shape for a specific sport, such as cycling or snowboarding

  • To reduce or eliminate knee, back, or shoulder pain (or to complement the treatment they’re receiving from someone else)

  • To manage or minimise the impact and/or emotional stress of a health condition or illness (like depression, cancer or pre diabetes)

By removing the pressure of checking on the scales daily will allow you to feel free to focus on goals that are important to you personally.

Deciding why you want to improve your health and fitness will also really help with motivation.

Weight loss as a goal can be secondary and is likely to still happen but you won’t be putting pressure on yourself and can instead keep track of progress in a healthier way.

Note down your goals and start tracking them as you start to move towards them. Having goals for our fitness will give us little boosts of happiness along the way and improve our confidence.

Having a healthier happier outlook will really help us keep moving forward and enjoying our lives more.

Health and happiness go hand-in-hand. The World Health Organisation defines health as “a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.

Here are just a few examples of NSVs worth celebrating:

  • Increased cardiovascular fitness and performance

  • Better coordination and athletic performance

  • Reducing or reversing the symptoms of serious health issues or diseases

  • Higher energy throughout the day, jumping out of bed excited for the day

  • Positive attitude and confidence

  • Being happier and more fun to be around

  • Fewer aches and pains, or even living pain-free

  • Improved sleep

  • Healthier appetite and being able to control cravings

  • Better sex life - feeling more attractive to your partner

  • Personal achievements, like doing your first push-up or pull-up – or setting a new record of either of those.

  • Great blood test results and optimal blood pressure

So in 2023, ditch the diet and get going with your Non Scale Victory goals!

If you’d like some help smashing your NSV goals then please feel free to book a free call with me at


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